
AIH Python Learning System

  • https://aih.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Mask-Group-30@2x.webp

AIH is proud to present Web-based educational system for learning Python programming. All students who are enrolled in the unit Foundations of programming can use the adaptive Web-based system designed by the University of Pittsburgh. It supports open learner modelling and different types of learning content. It tracks student activity and provides recommendations and feedback to the student.

In this research project, we plan to analyse data obtained from applying the adaptive platform that provides access to different types of learning resources including problems, quizzes, examples, reading material, visualisations, and simulations. A wide range of adaptative technologies (including adaptive navigation, intelligent tutoring, adaptive recommendation, etc.) is integrated to support personalised learning.

Learner behaviour in the system will be observed. All the actions made, problems solved, and visited animated examples will be analysed. By analysing the students’ interactions with the system, we will be able to understand their interests, intentions, goals, and knowledge level. The study will contribute to a better understanding of how weekly practice with the system during the course correlated with encouraging effect on engagement and efficiency, helping students to complete more practice content faster, and easier.

We expect higher learning gain by encouraging students to use the additional educational resources provided through the system and improving students’ learning experience.

From the studies conducted at Pittsburgh, USA, and Novi Sad, Serbia, significant parameters were extracted and they will be compared to the study being performed at our institution, AIH, Sydney.