
AIH Global Management Challenge Project

  • https://aih.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Mask-Group-32@2x.webp

AIH is proud to present 4 students who are part of a team that represents the Global Management Challenge Project. The Global Management Challenge is an international Competition represented by more than 30 countries. Many of the participants are young students that major in economics, management and engineering among other disciplines.  The Strategy consists of a simulation that runs a company with the aim of achieving the highest Investment Performance. The competitors are given the opportunity to analyse the Financial and Economic indicators of a company. This leads to a understanding of market conditions and customer satisfaction. It further enhances the skills that encourage and develop teamwork. More details about the Global Management Challenge can be found on the website (https://globalmanagementchallenge.pt/worldgmc/).

The challenge began on the 1st September 2020 and will conclude at the end of the month.


Source: https://globalmanagementchallenge.pt/worldgmc/about/