Bachelor of Accounting
Course Overview
Accounting is often called the “language of business,” playing a critical role in organisations of all sizes. From basic bookkeeping to strategic planning, the demand for accounting professionals remains strong. The Bachelor of Accounting provides students with the skills, knowledge, and attributes to succeed in today’s dynamic business environments. Aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and professional associations’ standards, this course offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to meet industry needs.
The course covers key areas such as financial accounting, management accounting, and auditing, enabling students to gain professional accreditation and pursue careers in the accounting field. Recognising that accountants work closely with professionals across diverse functions, the course also includes units in information technology, marketing, organisational behaviour, and operations, alongside business-based elective options. Students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills while exploring the importance of corporate responsibility, ethics, and governance.
Our Bachelor of Accounting holds professional accreditation from CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants ANZ, meeting the academic requirements for entry into the CPA/CAANZ Programs. It is also recognised by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA), ensuring graduates are well-prepared for their professional journeys.
Key information
CRICOS Code: 069531C
3 years full time
AQF level:
Melbourne and Sydney
Course Intakes:
February, March, May, June, August, September, October, November
Domestic and International
Credit points per unit:
Total Credit Points
required for award:
Full Tuition Fee
Fee per annum:
Fee per unit:
All fees and charges listed are in Australian dollars. Fees are subject to change without notice. Course fees are to be paid in full before enrolment/selection of subjects in any given semester. AIH ensures that the conditions and processes for international and domestic students to apply for a refund of tuition fees are equitable and comply with government regulations. Refer to Refund Policy for International and Domestic Students.
What others are saying

“Graduating from AIH was a pivotal moment in my career journey. The program’s emphasis on practical application and cutting-edge knowledge truly set it apart. The faculty were not only experts but also genuinely invested in our success, providing insights and mentorship that extended beyond the classroom. Their dedication to our learning and professional development made a significant impact on my growth. I wholeheartedly recommend AIH to anyone looking for a comprehensive and enriching educational experience.”
Harshit Gupta
Graduated 2024. Employed at Maxwell Foods.
What you will learn
Study Hours
To effectively manage your studies as a student, it is crucial to dedicate time for attending classes. Typically, full-time students can expect to have 8 hours of on-campus classes every week. Furthermore, it is advisable to allocate an additional 14 hours per week for independent tasks such as assignments, readings, projects, and adequate preparation for quizzes and tests.
Your studies will encompass practical, professionally focused, and research-based learning, so assessment types will vary. You can expect them to include:
- Reports, project documentation, case studies and presentations
- Essays and assignments
- Quizzes, class tests and examinations
- Practicals and team-based projects
- Participation in class
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate understanding of the regulatory environment for which accounting operates globally and apply accounting processes in a manner that complies with applicable accounting standards.
- Evaluate and apply suitable business (financial and non-financial) tools to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation, its performance and position in a manner useful for managerial decision-making.
- Apply relevant principles to evaluate business problems and develop creative and competitive solutions to achieve strategic objectives.
- Apply varied communication tools and techniques to effectively manage relationships and communicate with other management professionals and business stakeholders.
- Analyse the broader social, legal, economic and business context within which the discipline operates to develop professional ethical practices.
Graduates at this level will have broad and coherent theoretical and technical knowledge with depth in one or more disciplines or areas of practice.
Graduates at this level will have well-developed cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to:
- Analyse and evaluate information to complete a range of activities.
- Analyse, generate and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems.
- Transmit knowledge, skills and ideas to others.
Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, well-developed judgement and responsibility
- in contexts that require self-directed work and learning.
- within broad parameters to provide specialist advice and functions.
Units you will study
To complete the degree, you will need to pass 23 units. These units are divided into three levels based on contents and level of difficulty. The first level (Level 1000) has 8 core units. The second level (2000) has 6 core units. The third level (Level 3000) has 5 core units including a Capstone unit. In addition, you will get to select 4 electives (2 electives from 2000 level and 2 electives from 3000 level except Capstone units).
Level 1000
BBUS1000 Academic Skills for Success
Unit Description:
BBUS1000 is a core unit in the Bachelor programs of Australian Institute of Higher Education.
This unit introduces students to academic skills that are required for academic studies. It develops academic communication and study skills including time management and organisational skills, digital skills, referencing, critical thinking, academic writing, research and investigation techniques and presentation skills.
Weekly workshops are used as interactive sessions where students are given practical exercises to enhance their understanding of the topics and materials covered in this unit.
By the end of the unit students will have developed the understanding and skills necessary to help them complete all required assessments and to pass all their units.
BBUS1001 Accounting for Business Decisions
Unit Description:
BBUS1001 provides students with an introduction to accounting and governance mechanisms.
This unit discusses bookkeeping processes and preparation of financial reports, accounting for retail operations, inventory, accrual accounting and introduction to management accounting. Accounting for business decisions introduces basic accounting concepts, principles and methods. Accounting in a social context, environmental and ethical issues are discussed in the unit.
Weekly workshops are used as interactive sessions where students are given a number of questions and practical exercises to test their understanding of the lectures.
BBUS1002 Foundations of Information Technology
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the field of information technology. It provides both theoretical knowledge and practical application of basic aspects of information technology and their relevance to 21st century business operations.
The unit starts on a global scale in the e-world of the Internet before visiting the micro-world of computer hardware, operating systems, and software tools for productivity, creativity, and information processing. The unit explores networking and communication systems before looking at database technology and the design and management of business information systems. The unit concludes with a discussion of current issues and trends in information technology.
BBMG1003 Business Communication and Stakeholder Management
Unit Description:
This unit provides students with the fundamentals of business communication, with an emphasis not only on theoretical knowledge but also on application of relevant concepts in easy-to-understand communication situations within and outside the organisation.
It aims to help students analyse, select, and apply appropriate strategies, in both internal (from top management to junior-level employees, and among colleagues) and external (customers, vendors, suppliers, and other key stakeholders) communication.
The unit employs several teaching methods, including traditional lectures, which provide theoretical and analytical models, class discussions, self- assessments, videos, experiential learning, practical examples and exercises and group work.
BBUS1004 Economics for Management
Unit Description:
BBUS1004 Economics for Management introduces students to the field of economics and discusses the relevancy of economic theory for managers. It provides both theoretical knowledge and practical application of microeconomics and macroeconomics, and examines their relevance to current business operations. The unit begins with a discussion of markets and introduces theories of supply and demand. It investigates the microeconomic principles of production processes and costs, business organisation and strategy, competition and monopoly as well as interactions among government, business and markets. It examines the main fields of economic behaviour (resource allocation, income distribution, unemployment, inflation, the balance of payments and economic growth) and the major policy instruments (fiscal and monetary) for influencing this behavior. Students will complete this unit with an understanding of how economic theory drives political, legal and general business decisions.
BBMG1004 Marketing Foundations
Unit Description:
Marketing Fundamentals offers an introduction into marketing and locates the function of marketing within the organisational context and career. It also informs the non-marketer how one might interact with marketing as an organisational member.
The unit aim to enable students to become knowledgeable regarding the concepts that inform the practical tools that marketers use to plan, implement and evaluate marketing decisions. In addition to the study of selected journal articles, current events and campaign will be used to enhance students’ learning of marketing concepts application and issues.
The unit focuses on the development of knowledge and skills in core main marketing topics (such as micro and macro environmental analysis, ethics, 4Ps) and provides strong foundation for more specialised AIH marketing units in year two and three.
BBMG1002 Principles of Management and Organisations
Unit Description:
This unit aims to provide students with an understanding of principles of management applied across organisations.
Throughout this unit, students will examine theories of management and evaluate how inquiry-based skills can be applied in the contemporary workplace. This unit introduces students to key perspectives and discusses a range of fields that inform the theory of leadership and management practices.
This unit will cover theories of management and their application to contemporary practice, strategies of working in a diverse global workplace, teams and teamwork, planning and controlling information flow, organising and leading, motivating and rewarding, and management strategies in both personal and professional contexts.
BBUS1008 Statistics for Professionals
Unit Description:
In a business world of big data, the emerging need to understand basic processes of data analysis, especially the interpretation of such analysis is becoming a fundamental tool for the professional. BBUS1008 Statistics for Professionals introduces basic theoretical concepts and applications of statistics in a real-world business environment. Statistics involves collecting, summarising, interpreting and presenting numerical information for the purpose of informed decision making. It is important that statistical data is presented in a meaningful way to inform managerial decision-making. To this end, models of descriptive statistics are explored, as is statistical inference, which focuses on future action based on already collected and analysed data.
Students will learn statistical and mathematical concepts such as probability, correlation and regression, sampling, hypothesis testing and chisquared tests. In addition, students will be introduced to different statistical software packages and learn of their value to professionals.
Level 2000
BACC2001 Accounting Fundamentals
Unit Description:
This unit informs students with a thorough grounding in financial accounting. Accounting fundamentals discusses bookkeeping processes and preparation of financial reports, the framework of accounting, internal control and cash, non-current assets and current liabilities. The unit develops understanding of discipline specific knowledge areas, professional judgment and problem-solving skills. The focus on financial accounting with an examination of accounting for partnerships and companies as well as cash flow statements. Financial Statements are discussed at length with reference to relevant accounting standards.
BACC2002 Accounting Information Systems
Unit Description:
This unit aims to provide the use of an accounting information system in an organization. The application of technology to automate accounting processes and the implications this has for the accountants are addressed in this unit. Practical experience in the operation of an accounting package such as MYOB will be utilized as a self-directed study activity. Governance of accounting information system and the internal controls built into the systems that collect and store the data are explored. Basic safeguards to reduce cyber-crime and ethical issue are discussed.
BACC2003 Business and Corporations Law
Unit Description:
This Unit introduces students to the legal framework and legal principles applying to commercial activity within the context of the Australian legal system. In particular, legal problems commonly encountered in business situations such as torts, contracts and consumer law.
This Unit also introduces students to the legal framework and legal principles applying to companies primarily but some introductory discussion is done on partnerships, trusts and associations as well. Some of the key topics include types of companies, process of incorporating, effects of incorporation, internal rules, appointment and removal of directors, duties of directors, shareholders’ remedies, share capital transactions and insolvency procedures.
In this regard, students develop the ability to interpret legislation and case law and apply them to given scenarios. The workshops will be used as interactive sessions where students are given the opportunity to test their problem-solving skills as well as ability to relate the relevance of the Corporations Act to various aspects of running a company.
BACC2004 Financial Reporting Governance and Sustainability
Unit Description:
The aim of this unit is to help students develop their knowledge, understanding and application of various theoretical models and practices of accounting. This unit focuses on specific financial reporting issues and discusses accounting standards such as Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The course commences with an overview of the Australian financial reporting environment by focusing on the institutional framework for accounting standard setting and the conceptual framework. The course then investigates selected applied issues in financial accounting by examining requirements of Australian accounting standards in the following areas: valuation of assets including fair value, intangibles, leases, revenue recognition and sustainability. The course will also examine the corporate accounting issues such as share capital and reserves, liabilities and accounting for financial instruments. Discussions based on governance and corporate social responsibility are also covered.
BACC2005 Management Accounting
Unit Description:
The unit covers the concepts, principles, and techniques of management accounting. It provides both theoretical knowledge and practical application of aspects of contemporary and traditional management accounting systems and their role in providing cost information to assist in decision-making, planning, and control that will allow effective management of resources and creation of value for organizations, customers, and stakeholders.
BACC2006 Business Finance
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the field of corporate finance and provides both theoretical knowledge and practical applications of business finance decision-making. It begins with the basics of financial mathematics and asset valuation and moves on to examine the tools and techniques for making capital investment decisions, financing decisions, and the dividend decisions. It also looks at the Australian equities market and issues of capital market efficiency.
Level 3000
BACC3001 Auditing and Assurance Services
Unit Description:
The unit introduces students to the nature and practice of auditing and provides students with an opportunity to understand the theoretical basis, as well as the practical applications, of the auditing process.
It begins with an overview of the audit process and its functions and introduction to auditing standards. Audit methodology, planning, and application are examined in detail, as is the reporting phase which auditors are required to undertake. Students are taught how to implement audit procedures, develop an audit trail, and work within an audit risk model and the use of audit software. Students also study the professional standards and legal obligations of the auditor and the auditing process, as well as the ethical, social, legal and business factors that influence, and at times determine, the auditor’s role and function.
BACC3002 Strategic Management Accounting
Unit Description:
This Unit builds on the concepts, principles, and techniques discussed in Management Accounting BACC2005. Management Accounting and introduces broader contexts of management accounting within organisational strategy.
This Unit focuses on the longer-term perspective and the provision of information to assist in formulating and evaluating business strategy. In particular, the lectures explore strategic analysis, advanced cost management, the cost of quality, value chain analysis, customer and competitor analysis, responsibility accounting, financial performance measures, total business performance evaluation, and benchmarking.
The tutorials will apply these concepts to alternative scenarios, as well as test these concepts in case studies which will be developed during tutorials so that students can apply these concepts to a particular company and situation.
BACC3003 Advanced Financial Reporting
Unit Description:
This unit provides students with a thorough understanding in application and analysis of prescribed accounting treatments in business combinations. The unit also emphasizes financial reporting and accounting for companies including consolidated accounts of complex economic entities including associate companies. Fair value adjustments and tax effects accounting are discussed at length. The workshops will be used as interactive sessions where students are given a number of questions to test their understanding of the lectures. Reference to relevant accounting standards are also discussed throughout the course.
BACC3004 Australian Tax System
Unit Description:
This unit builds on the knowledge and skills that students have already acquired in previous units, most notably Business and Corporations Law. The workshops examine the fundamentals of taxation law in Australia and are designed to develop in students both an appreciation of the Australian taxation system as well as practical and analytical skills for navigating tax law. More than a method of revenue collection, this unit encourages students to view taxation law as a social process and to consider the various changes that taxation has undergone since the Income Taxation Assessment Act 1936.
There are opportunities for students to assess the application of the tax laws in Australia as well as analyse tax laws. Looking at taxation issues from the minds of future practitioners, the workshops include practice questions session where students can also delve into more depth on the social implications of tax law.
BACC3005 The Accounting Research Project (Capstone)
Unit Description:
BACC3005 The Accounting Research Project (Capstone) is the culmination of an undergraduate’s studies in a Bachelor degree at the Australian Institute of Higher Education.
The unit provides a framework for applying research skills and technical accounting knowledge. The objective of the unit is to critically evaluate accounting information and accounting standards through an understanding of the different theoretical approaches to accounting. The course combines skills in accounting and assists in developing students’ professional judgement and reflective capacity. The development of graduate capabilities will be enabled by various assessments in the unit.
Electives (Select 2x Level 2000 and 2x Level 3000)
BBMG2002 Human Resource Management
Unit Description:
Human Resource Management (HRM) has gone through considerable transformation in recent decades. Once a reactive, administrative function that was seen by other functions as playing little part in organisational success, the ‘Personnel and Administration’ function of the past is now a key contributor to the future of the organisation and to success. HR departments are often now called ‘People and Culture’, reflecting the changing nature of the function.
This unit will explore the wide-ranging responsibilities of human resources departments, and key theories in HRM, as well as looking at challenges for the future.
In this unit, students can gain knowledge of talent acquisition, talent management, succession planning, performance management, industrial relations concepts, employer brand, employee engagement and a range of other HR topics.
BBMG2001 Organisational Behaviour and Design
Unit Description:
BBMG2001 Organisational Behaviour and Design demonstrates how to examine individual and group behaviour in organisations. Students are introduced to dominant theories of organisational behaviour. The unit teaches a range of concepts and theories that can be used as tools to generate a more precise and in- depth analysis of behaviour than would be possible with idiosyncratic or superficial observations. Students will practice the critical habit of viewing phenomena from many perspectives and identifying related operational and ethical issues for managers. Students are given opportunities to examine different perspectives on managing people and designing organisations, and to understand and practice the determinants of interpersonal and team interactions in organisational environments.
Understanding people and group dynamics is introduced as the key to becoming a good leader and facilitating effective change management. These topics will be explained in the context of common business scenarios and will help students apply theory to practice.
BBMG2004 Project Management Principles for Business
Unit Description:
This unit offers students an overview of the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities for achieving project requirements. It helps student understanding of how project management is accomplished through the application and integration of the project management processes of initiating, planning, execution, monitoring, controlling and closing. In this course, we introduce the concept of project management, discuss the role of project manager, identify and orient students with the issues related to planning the project, schedule and project control and evaluation and management of project team.
BISY2009 Requirements Design Thinking
Unit Description:
BISY2001 Requirements Design Thinking covers the principles of information system development for a business environment. Students will be introduced to concepts of product development and design thinking together with a range of information systems concepts and practices emphasising on the understanding of information systems designed solutions and the computing to interpret these solutions. Students will be introduced on how Design Thinking can be productively applied to different systems design situations. The theoretical concepts, methods, and tools for the key stages of Design Thinking including user research, ideation, prototyping and user evaluation will be covered.
Students will be expected to develop an understanding of analysing information system requirements and requirements engineering principles. Students will develop analytical and practical skills in data requirements gathering and analysis along with methods to model data needs. Modelling of data will occur at the conceptual, logical, and physical levels along with an ability to compare different approaches. Brief introduction into agile methodologies is also a part of this unit.
BBMG3005 Contemporary Management: Issues and Challenges
Unit Description:
Managers today encounter mammoth challenges which are varied and complex in nature. It becomes essential in modern times for executive managers to have an in-depth understanding of underlying managerial practices, especially those that relate to challenges for improving the business practices. Emerging issues in market demand, technology, social responsibility, communication, human resources management etc. makes it imperative for managers to examine and implement contemporary and innovative solutions for business problems.
The unit will explore more contemporary advanced management and organizational theories to assist managers with creative problem solving for critical business management challenges and issues.
This unit introduces to the participants a blend of learning in class and online through several activities and assessments. It focuses on student’s learning for sustainable business including economic, social, environment and organization culture in achieving the set business objectives optimally.
BBMG3001 Governance, Ethics and sustainability in Business
Unit Description:
The ever-increasing connections between governance, ethical behaviour and a sustainable future are explored in this unit. The emphasis is on leadership and management of organisations as a key element in ensuring sound practice in all three of these important facets of organisations.
In this unit students will learn about both top-down and bottom-up approaches to ensuring that organisations are well governed, act responsibly, and are cognisant of the actions required to address the triple bottom lin.
The unit will cover governance as distinct from management, the role of leadership, the 3Ps of sustainability, ethics, and the connection between the disciplines in this unit with other areas such as finance, marketing, and HR.
BISY3006 Information Security
Unit Description:
BISY3006 Information Security examines current security threats to organisations and the necessary security processes, products and solutions required to mitigate these threats and to ensure business continuity. The unit covers social, business and organisational issues, as well as security policy design and management. A range of products and solutions are discussed. From a technical perspective, firewall and secure router design, installation, configuration and maintenance; AAA implementation using routers and firewalls; and virtual private networks will be topics covered both theoretically and practically.
BBMG3003 Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship
Unit Description:
Entrepreneurships are the backbone of the economy. New products and services created by entrepreneurs can have a cascading effect on the economy, stimulating related business or sectors and furthering the economic development of countries. Entrepreneurs also help drive change through innovation, allowing society to improve quality of life.
This subject focuses on innovation driven entrepreneurship and introduces students to the pathways of entrepreneurial venture. The students will learn how to design resilient entrepreneurships, from opportunity identification to business models, as well as growing and planning entrepreneurial ventures.
Strategic entrepreneurial growth will also be highlighted along with awareness of legal and regulatory challenges relevant to entrepreneurial ventures.
BBHT3006 Yield Management
Unit Description:
Accounting and revenue ‘numbers’ are extremely important for managers. Hospitality managers must be able to use accounting and revenue information to make good decisions. Knowing and being able to use accounting and revenue management concepts will also enable hospitality managers to improve the operating effectiveness of any hotel or restaurant which they manage.
This unit introduces students to accounting, revenue and yield management in the hospitality industry. This will enable students to understand the basic financial and managerial reports and how to analyse them for a hospitality operation. Students will also be able to analyse revenue and yield for a hotel or restaurant.
In the first part of this unit, students will learn about accounting principles related to the preparation and analysis of financial and managerial reports, such as the balance sheet, profit or loss account and the statement of cash flows. Students will also be introduced to the concept of cost management and cost- volume-profit analysis. In the second part of this unit, students will learn about revenue and yield management. The unit will explore concepts of pricing in the hospitality sector, demand forecasting, and revenue management for accommodation, food and beverage services.
What you will achieve
- Create effective organisational strategies to lay the foundation for achieving success.
- Examine both local and global business trends to consistently maintain a competitive edge.
- Acquire essential skills in critical thinking and strategic planning within a corporate environment.
- Recognise intelligent business prospects and comprehend how to capitalize on them.
Career Opportunities
Potential career paths
- Auditor
- Business Analyst
- Financial Analyst
- Controller
- Project Manager
- Taxation accountant
- Management accountant
Entry Requirements
To view our Entry Requirements, click here.
How to Apply
To view how to apply click here.
We’re absolutely thrilled that you’re interested in discovering more about the exciting educational opportunities here at AIH! Your inquiries are most welcome, and we can’t wait to give you all the information you require. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us anytime you like – we’re here to help!
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Further Study
Completion of this qualification meets the academic requirement for admission to Postgraduate courses within Australia and overseas*
Find out more about AIH’s Postgraduate Courses
*subject to additional institution/course specific requirements