Diploma of Business Information Systems
Course Overview
Behind every innovation is an information system. As the business world grows so do the systems that support it. The Bachelor of Business Information Systems (BBIS) has been designed to prepare students for careers in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) focusing on managing information systems in organisations. Business information systems is an essential element in bringing together technology, people (individuals, groups, or organisations), and data/information to effectively manage organisations. Such systems are used to analyse and facilitate strategic and operational activities in organisations. The proposed BBIS course aims to provide students with cognitive and technical skills to create and manage cohesive business solutions for diverse organisations. The course will prepare students for entry-level management positions where technical skills in systems analysis, IS service provision, and project management are combined with cognitive skills in core business concepts, problem-solving, communication and team work to produce graduates who understand the role and contribution of information systems in driving and enabling the achievement of business goals and objectives.
Graduates of the Diploma and Associate Degree in Business Information Systems will be able to enter the ICT industry with technical skills in systems analysis, IS service provision, with cognitive skills in core business concepts, problem-solving, communication and team work to contribute to the overall information systems objectives of an organisation. They will be capable of utilising their skills to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of business information systems in a range of organisational and business environments.
Key information
CRICOS Code: 083129G
1 year full time
AQF level:
Sydney and Melbourne
Course Intakes:
February, March, May, June, August, September, October, November
Domestic and International
Credit points per unit:
Total Credit Points
required for award:
Course tuition Fee
Over 1 year
Fee per unit:
All fees and charges listed are in Australian dollars. Fees are subject to change without notice. Course fees are to be paid in full before enrolment/selection of subjects in any given semester. AIH ensures that the conditions and processes for international and domestic students to apply for a refund of tuition fees are equitable and comply with government regulations. Refer to Refund Policy for International and Domestic Students.
What others
are saying

” chose the Diploma of Business Information Systems to study because this course opens the door for me to work in Australia. The subjects made me think more logically…made me develop more skills to solve problems in daily situations.
I think the best thing the teachers did was to bring real situations to the lecture. It makes me feel more prepared to work in a company here in Australia.”
Roseli Menezes Portugal
Graduated 2017
What you will learn
Study Hours
As a student, you will need to allocate time to attend classes. Generally, if you are studying full-time, you will have between 9-12 hours of classes each week, on-campus. In addition, you will need to set aside a minimum of 15-20 hours each week in your own time to complete assignments, readings, projects and prepare for quizzes, tests and exams.
Your studies at AIH will encompass practical, professionally focused, and research-based learning, so assessment types will vary. You can expect them to include:
- Reports, project documentation, case studies and presentations.
- Essays and assignments
- Quizzes, class tests and examinations
- Practicals and team-based projects
- Participation in class
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental theoretical and technical knowledge about ICT and business areas;
- Have an ability to conduct basic research, analyse, evaluate problems and plan for solutions in an organisation;
- Support the application of IS technologies in a business; and
- Apply IS solutions, theories and concepts to resolve a range of basic business tasks and ICT problems.
Graduates at this level will have technical and theoretical knowledge in a specific area or a broad field of work and learning.
Graduates at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to:
- Analyse information to complete a range of activities
- Provide and transmit solutions to sometimes complex problems
- Transmit information and skills to others
Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined responsibility in known or changing contexts and within broad but established parameters
Units you will study
To complete the degree, you will need to pass 8 Units.
BBUS1000 Academic Skills for Success
Unit Description:
BBUS1000 is a core unit in the Bachelor programs of the Australian Institute of Higher Education.
This unit introduces students to academic skills that are required for academic studies. It develops academic communication and study skills including time management and organisational skills, digital skills, referencing, critical thinking, academic writing, research and investigation techniques and presentation skills.
Weekly workshops are used as interactive sessions where students are given practical exercises to enhance their understanding of the topics and materials covered in this unit.
By the end of the unit students will have developed the understanding and skills necessary to help them complete all required assessments and to pass all their units.
Pre-requisite: Nil.
BBUS1002 Foundations of Information Technology
Unit Description:
This unit introduces students to the field of information technology. It provides both theoretical knowledge and practical application of basic aspects of information technology and their relevance to 21st century business operations.
The unit starts on a global scale in the e-world of the Internet before visiting the micro-world of computer hardware, operating systems, and software tools for productivity, creativity, and information processing. The unit explores networking and communication systems before looking at database technology and the design and management of business information systems. The unit concludes with a discussion of current issues and trends in information technology.
Pre-requisite: Nil.
BBUS1001 Accounting for Business Decisions
Unit Description:
BBUS1001 provides students with an introduction to accounting and governance mechanisms.
This unit discusses bookkeeping processes and preparation of financial reports, accounting for retail operations, inventory, accrual accounting and introduction to management accounting. Accounting for business decisions introduces basic accounting concepts, principles and methods. Accounting in a social context, environmental and ethical issues are discussed in the unit.
Weekly workshops are used as interactive sessions where students are given a number of questions and practical exercises to test their understanding of the lectures.
Pre-requisite: Nil.
BISY1002 Database Management for Business
Unit Description:
This introductory Professional and Ethical Practice unit provides students with the foundations of professional ethics and a broad management-oriented understanding of ethical issues.
Students will gain a strong understanding of the legal, ethical, and societal implications of using information technology thorough coverage of notable technology developments and their impact on business today. Students will examine issues surrounding professional codes of ethics, file sharing, infringement of intellectual property, security risk assessment, Internet crime, identity theft, employee surveillance, privacy, compliance, social networking, and the ethics of IT corporations.
Students develop digital literacy skills by understanding ethical decision-making for current and future business managers and IT professionals and aims to prepare the individuals responsible for addressing ethical issues in today’s workplace. Students will learn how to examine ethical situations that typically arise in IT and gain practical advice for addressing the relevant issues.
Pre-requisite: Nil.
BISY1001 Professional and Ethical Practice
Unit Description:
This introductory Professional and Ethical Practice unit provides students with the foundations of professional ethics and a broad management-oriented understanding of ethical issues.
Students will gain a strong understanding of the legal, ethical, and societal implications of using information technology thorough coverage of notable technology developments and their impact on business today. Students will examine issues surrounding professional codes of ethics, file sharing, infringement of intellectual property, security risk assessment, Internet crime, identity theft, employee surveillance, privacy, compliance, social networking, and the ethics of IT corporations.
Students develop digital literacy skills by understanding ethical decision-making for current and future business managers and IT professionals and aims to prepare the individuals responsible for addressing ethical issues in today’s workplace. Students will learn how to examine ethical situations that typically arise in IT and gain practical advice for addressing the relevant issues.
Pre-requisite: Nil.
BBMG1002 Principles of Management and Organisations
Unit Description:
This unit aims to provide students with an understanding of principles of management applied across organisations.
Throughout this unit, students will examine theories of management and evaluate how inquiry-based skills can be applied in the contemporary workplace. This unit introduces students to key perspectives and discusses a range of fields that inform the theory of leadership and management practices.
This unit will cover theories of management and their application to contemporary practice, strategies of working in a diverse global workplace, teams and teamwork, planning and controlling information flow, organising and leading, motivating and rewarding, and management strategies in both personal and professional contexts.
Pre-requisite: Nil.
BISY1003 Foundations of Programming
Unit Description:
The unit introduces students to fundamental computing concepts and the techniques of computer programming including problem solving, algorithm design, good program coding, documenting, debugging, testing and implementation. Basic algorithms (including searching, and sorting) and data structures (including arrays) are studied in the context of useful applications. Elements of ‘a good programming practice’ will be emphasised in the course.
Students will be exposed to popular programming languages such as C++, Java or Python that are currently used in industries. Students will undertake practical exercises and activities in one or more of these languages available in the Computer Laboratory.
Pre-requisite: Nil.
BBUS1008 Statistics for Professionals
Unit Description:
In a business world of big data, the emerging need to understand basic processes of data analysis, especially the interpretation of such analysis is becoming a fundamental tool for the professional. BBUS1008 Statistics for Professionals introduces basic theoretical concepts and applications of statistics in a real-world business environment. Statistics involves collecting, summarising, interpreting and presenting numerical information for the purpose of informed decision making. It is important that statistical data is presented in a meaningful way to inform managerial decision-making. To this end, models of descriptive statistics are explored, as is statistical inference, which focuses on future action based on already collected and analysed data.
Students will learn statistical and mathematical concepts such as probability, correlation and regression, sampling, hypothesis testing and chisquared tests. In addition, students will be introduced to different statistical software packages and learn of their value to professionals.
Pre-requisite: Nil.
Exit Point: Diploma of Business Information Systems
What you will achieve
- Create effective organisational strategies to lay the foundation for achieving success.
- Examine both local and global business trends to consistently maintain a competitive edge.
- Acquire essential skills in critical thinking and strategic planning within a corporate environment.
- Recognise intelligent business prospects and comprehend how to capitalize on them.
Career Opportunities
Potential career paths
- Technical Operations Officer
- Technical Support Engineer
- Technical Support Specialist
- Technical Specialist
- Data Analyst
Entry Requirements
To view our Entry Requirements, click here.
How to Apply
To view how to apply click here.
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Further Study
Completion of this qualification provides direct entry and advanced standing into: