How do I log into Paradigm?
Paradigm: is the student portal where you can view your profile, course enrolment, units of study, timetable and assessment result. Please click this link:
Username: your Student email address in the format [email protected] – eg. [email protected].
Password: Student ID [190123] + your birthdate [29/03/1998] – e.g. 19012329031998.
Please note the first time you access the Student Portal you will be required to confirm your personal details and enter your Student Email address into the blank email section. Once you have done this please select the confirmation button at the bottom of the page.
How do I log into Moodle?
MOODLE is our learning management platform. Please click this link:
Username: Your student ID
Your Moodle password is your date of birth – 6 digits only e.g. 230598 (DDMMYY)
What is Ebsco database? How do i access it?
EBSCO is an online academic library where you can find research databases, e-books, publications and other resources that are useful for your assessments and studies. Please click this link: https://search.ebscohost.com/Login.aspx.
If you forget login ID and password, please contact [email protected]
What is my student email and password?
Students are given access to an AIH email address. To access this email, please click on https://accounts.google.com/signin
Username: [email protected]
Password: DOB (Default: DDMMYY)
This is the main communication through which we advise students of important information, and for this reason, you must check your AIH email regularly.
Can I forward an email from my AIH email account to my personal email account?
Yes, you can. Simply access your college email as indicated in Q.4 and then forward the email just as you would from your personal email address.
It is important to protect your personal information, therefore be wary of scam emails you are sending or receiving. AIH does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, your usage of this communication medium. This includes, but is not limited to, any loss of information as a result of improper redirection of the email address or the failure of third-party email parties to accept the email.
Do I have free access to ms office 365?
You are eligible to receive a free copy of Microsoft Office 365 for the duration of your study at AIH. To activate your copy, please use the link on the Library & Learning Support Moodle page when you log into your Moodle account. Click ‘register’ button and enter your student email address ([email protected]) and student password (Default: DDMMYY).
As an international student, can i study a reduced study load?
A reduced load is usually only available for continuing students and needs to be assessed on a trimester basis. To ensure that students comply with the ESOS Act, the Institute must monitor the course progress of international student visa holders so they can complete their programs within the minimum duration on their CoE timeline. To be considered for a reduced study load, there must be evidence of:
a) Compassionate or compelling reasons, provided by students;
b) Student’s ability to complete their course within the timeframe on their CoE even with a reduced load;
c) Students being placed ‘at risk’ of their course progress and undergoing assessment by the academic intervention strategy, as recommended by AIH staff; or
d) Students completing their final trimester of study.
What are compassionate/compelling circumstances?
Compassionate/compelling circumstances include, but are not limited to:
- serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes;
- bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents;
- major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel, when this has impacted on the student’s ability to study;
- a traumatic experience which could include involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident.
Some examples not considered as compassionate or compelling circumstances include, but are not limited to:
- Minor illnesses or homesickness;
- Difficulties in adjusting to living in Australia or academic life;
- Failure to enrol in your course by the enrolment date;
- Failure to understand or seek clarification of key dates or withdrawal procedures;
- Financial Difficulties;
- Work commitments;
- Personal commitments.
How can I submit an administrative request form?
You can submit an electronic form online by clicking on this link and selecting the appropriate request form. https://aih.edu.au/students/current-students/student-forms/
Where can I find the trimester key dates?
Important dates can be accessed by clicking on this link: https://aih.edu.au/important-dates/
What is census date?
Census date is the last date you can withdraw from a unit without financial and academic penalty i.e., having to pay for the unit and receiving a ‘Withdrawn Fail’. The census date still applies even if it’s a public holiday or a weekend. You can find your trimester census date under the Important Dates on the AIH website. https://aih.edu.au/important-dates/
What is orientation and do i need to attend?
Orientation is an opportunity for you to familiarise with the Institution. You will meet the academic staff and your fellow students, and discover what other support services are available to you. You can organise your student ID card and timetable on the day. Orientation is compulsory for commencing students.
How can I defer my trimester?
If you wish to take a leave of absence for one trimester after you have already studied one trimester at AIH, you must comply with the terms and conditions of AIH Deferment/Suspension Policy and Procedure. Please note that deferring, suspending or discontinuing from an enrolment may affect the student visa granted to you. The Institute will notify the Department of Home Affairs via PRISMS as required under the ESOS Act, National Code of Practice Standard 9.
To comply with visa conditions, international students must:
a. maintain a valid visa;
b. complete their course by the expected completion date as specified on their CoE;
c. provide the Institute with address details within seven days of arrival or address change;
d. maintain a full-time study load of 8 units per academic year;
e. not exceed the maximum number of hours allowed for work on their student visa;
f. maintain Overseas Student Health Cover or equivalent Please refer to Deferment/suspension Policy and Procedure at https://aih.edu.au/students/current-students/student-forms/
When will I be at risk of my COE being cancelled?
Your CoE may be cancelled if you:
1. Do not commence your studies
2. Do not pay all your tuition fees by the census date/last day to withdraw from your course, or by the payment plan deadline negotiated with the Institute
3. Make unsatisfactory course progress and are placed as a student at risk
4. Withdraw from your course
5. If a breach of the Student Code of Conduct occurs, including academic misconduct
You will receive notification of CoE cancellation. If your CoE is cancelled, the Institute is required to report the reason for the cancellation to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), and this may result in the cancellation of your student visa as well. Therefore, you must ensure that you maintain your course of study as a student visa holder.
What happens if your enrolment and coe have been cancelled?
Your enrolment status will be de-activated, which means:
- You cannot access your Moodle and Student Portal
- You cannot attend classes or sit exams
- Your student visa status may be affected, so you need to contact the Department of Home Affairs to discuss your visa status
How can my COE be reinstated so i may resume my studies?
Once you receive the notice of cancellation, you have 20 working days, to pay all outstanding fees or access the AIH Student Complaints and Appeals Process. Please refer to https://aih.edu.au/about/policies-procedures/
Can I get a refund after commencement of my studies?
The Institute will refund tuition fees according to the date the withdrawal request was lodged. The portion of tuition fees refundable will be considered. If you withdraw after the census date of the trimester, there is no refund available. Please refer to the AIH Refund Policy https://aih.edu.au/about/policies-procedures/
If I am finding it hard to understand the lessons and need academic success, who do I contact?
If you need any help with your learning, our Academic Success Team can help. You can contact and make an appointment with the Academic Success Officer directly at [email protected].
There are also a variety of workshops that you can attend and resources that will be useful to your studies. Please find more information on learning and support at https://aih.edu.au/learning-support-and-resource-centre/
As an international student how many units do I need to be enrolled in for one academic year?
An international student is required to enrol in a full-time study load of 8 units in one academic year.
Is there a payment plan program offered to student experiencing if I have a financial hardship?
Yes, AIH offers Payment Plan to continuing students who, due to extenuating circumstances, are struggling to pay tuition fees. The application must be submitted with supporting evidence at least two weeks prior to commencement of the trimester. A non-refundable $100 payment plan administrative charge is payable upon successful approved application and is due to be paid before the commencement of the trimester. For further information, please contact our accounts at [email protected]
Please refer to the Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure at https://aih.edu.au/about/policies-procedures/.
How can I apply for advanced standing?
Advanced standing (AS) award is based on an approved study from other Higher Education Institutions. If you have completed a tertiary qualification or achieved an award through other approved study, you must provide the evidence with your application to prove that you have sufficient knowledge to meet the unit requirements. Note that the AS application form must be submitted 2 weeks prior to census date.
You can find out more information on Advanced Standing Policy and Procedure at https://aih.edu.au/about/policies-procedures/
How many hours a week do I need to be on campus?
Every class lasts for three hours and if you enrol in 4 units per trimester, you must attend classes at least 12 hours per week on campus. If you choose to complete your study plan load as a 3-3-2 in one academic year, then each trimester session will be reduced.
If i miss my assessments due to extenuating circumstances, how do I apply for special consideration?
If you are unable to submit your assessment on time or complete in-class quizzes, in-class practical tests and presentations due to illness, unexpected and unavoidable circumstances. you are eligible to apply for Special Consideration.
To apply, you must submit the special consideration form along with valid supporting evidence within three working days of the assessment task due date or final exam. However, there are some criteria you must meet for consideration. Please refer to https://aih.edu.au/special-consideration-application-form/ and Student Assessment Policy and Procedure at https://aih.edu.au/about/policies-procedures/
If i would like to accelerate my studies by enrolling in more than a full-time study load (more than four units) or request to waive a pre-requisite unit, what form should I submit?
You should submit a Rule Waiver Request Form. Please note that Rule Waiver is assessed case by case basis. Waivers are granted on the understanding that you are fully responsible for your own academic performance, and will not be entitled to any special consideration on the grounds that you are enrolled in more than a full-time study load or do not meet the pre-requisites.
How can I access the student complaint and appeal form?
All AIH students have the right to lodge a complaint if they feel that they have been treated unfairly by the Institute and also to appeal against the decisions made by the Institute.
Before you lodge the Complaint Form, you should refer to Student Complaint and Appeal Policy and Procedure at https://aih.edu.au/about/policies-procedures/
It is also suggested that students should familiarise themselves with their rights and responsibilities as AIH students. Please refer to the AIH Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook at https://aih.edu.au/about/policies-procedures/.
If you can’t find the answers to your questions above, please contact our Student Services at [email protected]